Tired teachers, it’s time to treat yo’ self to some teacher self care.
Teacher self care comes in different forms. At the heart of this often-heard buzz phrase is the need for teachers to get off the treadmill. No, make that unplug the treadmill. Then, leave the room and go do something that makes you re-energized to come back!
You see, teaching is a difficult profession. We’ve got everyone else’s mess and expectations coming at us from all sides. There’s work to keep up with, lessons to plan, grading to be completed. What’s more, our emotions are invested in our students. We want them to succeed. Our brains never turn off. There’s always something to be done. It never stops. Ever.
So, the solution, I’ve learned is to intentionally shut. it. down. It will be there when you come back, I promise.
Teacher Self Care Gifts For YOU
Food-Related Self-Care
I love the Ninja brand! If you are a coffee OR tea lover, this hot and cold Ninja system is a must-have. You can brew hot or cold, and there are different sizes and styles of brewing PLUS a frother. Froth on a chai tea latte just makes me happy!
Do yourself a favor and skip out on the microwave popcorn bag o’ chemicals for lunch. This microwave popcorn popper makes popcorn the old-fashioned way…but in the microwave. Don’t believe me? Check it out!
Self-Reflection & Organization
Mel Robbins tells it like it is, and this is her five-second journal. If you haven’t heard of her five-second rule, it’s a game-changer for starting new routines and getting past the little judgy voice in your head that keeps you from doing what you need to be doing to stay healthy. IMO, all teachers should get some Mel Robbins into their self-care routine!
I faithfully write checklists as a way to re-set my brain and prioritize my work for the day. I love this note pad because it forces me to categorize tasks from most to least important. And because self-care is a “most critical” task, I always add something related to self-care at the top of the list.
If you have a tolerance for profanity and a love for beautiful things, you’ll love this little book. There isn’t a whole lot of space to write, but it’s full of happy vibes and positive affirmations.
Everyone has time for a calendar, and this calendar has a whole year’s worth of self-love. It would make the perfect anytime teacher self care gift to yourself!
Self-care is about finding what centers you. Women of faith will love this beautiful journal that provides scripture and a chance for self-reflection.
Health-Related Self-Care
Yoga and exercise help me maintain calm during the busy school year. When I read about how regular yoga mats are laden with chemicals, I switched to an all-natural one and will never go back!
It’s SO easy to forget to drink water (or put it off because we don’t have easy bathroom access), but it’s really important for maintaining good health and a positive mindset. I like this bottle because it’s easy to clean and is a no-fuss way to make sure I’m getting enough water. If you’re looking for something a bit smaller, I’d recommend this Nalgene!
When I first started exercising with Fitness Blender, I bought these Power Block weights because I liked that they were easy to use, that I could change weights quickly mid-workout, and that it didn’t create unnecessary clutter. I would recommend this product hands-down to anyone looking to make fitness and health a priority. Ladies, we shouldn’t be afraid of lifting; it is essential to our long-term health!
This recommendation for self-care might seem a bit old school, but hear me out. How much time do you spend on your phone before bed? Do you sleep with the phone near you? How does this add to your stress level or keep you from unwinding and enjoying a good night’s sleep? I suggest sleeping with an alarm clock by your bed and your phone across the room!
[…] Aside from impacting student learning so substantially, teacher collaboration is a part of self-care. […]