Raise your hand if any of these statements describe you:
- You want to be that fun, engaging teacher who always has a trick up her sleeve, but are fresh out of new ideas.
- You have all of this great new classroom technology, but don’t know where to begin.
- You know what it’s like to feel under fire “in the teaching trenches.”
- You have the best intentions, but #allthethings get in the way. All the time. Every day.
- You wish someone would just set you free to do what you do best…just teach.
👉 Wouldn’t it be nice to have solutions rather than problems?
👉 Someone to “have your back” in the trenches?
👉 A go-to resource for high-quality, engaging lessons and teaching resources that you can depend on?
No worries! I’m here to help.
I’m Lindsay, founder of Lindsay Ann Learning, and my passion is helping authentic English teacher learners find their teaching sweet spot. I’ve been in the classroom for 20 years as a high school English Language Arts teacher, and I’m here to share engaging, professional development and learner-centered resources with you.
Think of me as a digital Mary Poppins. In my online store, I want to connect you with non-traditional teaching resources that make you and your students excited to learn. 21st century skills? Gotta have ‘em. Building classroom community? So important! Real world application? Oh yeah. Practical solutions to everyday teaching problems. Absolutely!
✨ To explore my resource offerings, CLICK HERE.
I’ll say it simply. Teaching is hard work, and I’ve walked more than a mile in your shoes. But, here’s the thing…we can’t let #allthethings steal our shine, you know that deep-down sparkle that leads teachers to their very first classroom and keeps bringing them back, year after year.
I remember my first years of teaching as but a blur of sleeping, planning, self-doubt, and stress.
Are you there now?
Until I refocused, tried new ideas, and grew into my best teaching self which is still a work-in-progress.
Can I help you to do the same?
I’m a teacher for the students. I’m not a teacher because I love paperwork or hoop-jumping or meetings or standardized tests. I want to be a problem-solver, a connector, a creator. That’s my sparkle.
What’s yours?
Have you lost it, or is it still there buried under five stacks of papers, a half-eaten bagel and too many sticky notes?
- I’m here to help you find your shine,
- To help you move beyond the have-to-do’s to the want-to-do’s,
- To connect you to solutions and great ideas for your classroom that I wish I would have had earlier in my career.
A Little Bit More About Me:
I hail from the Midwest, Illinois, the “burbs” of Chicago to be more precise. I’ve taught in the same school for 20 years (because I’ve discovered that it’s almost the happiest place on earth) and at the college level, continuing my learning with a Master’s degree and National Board Teaching Certification (the most helpful professional development process, hands-down). I’m also the proud mother of two curious, beautiful children who keep me on my toes and laughing every. single. day.
I love heartfelt sentiments, aha moments, office supplies, dark chocolate, running, finding a book that I just have to finish, and learning new things. My mind is always full of ideas, and I’m happiest when I can bring these ideas to life and help others at the same time!