This blog is not a descriptive essay. There will be parts here and there that discuss descriptive essay …
How to Write a Descriptive Essay: Creating a Vivid Picture with WordsRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
This blog is not a descriptive essay. There will be parts here and there that discuss descriptive essay …
How to Write a Descriptive Essay: Creating a Vivid Picture with WordsRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
You’ve probably been in the staff or department meeting when the administrator in the room announces proudly (and …
// by Lindsay Ann
It seems like so many things are getting shorter these days: our weekends, our patience, and even our readings (beyond …
// by Lindsay Ann
Ah, novel units and book projects are the bread and butter of English teacher life and planning. We want students to …
// by Lindsay Ann
I don’t know about you–though I suspect you’re like me since you are reading a blog right now–but I like reading to …
Tailoring Your English Curriculum to Diverse Learning StylesRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
There are always things we, as educators, look forward to every year: the first day of school, the last day of school, …
Teacher Toolbox: Creative & Effective Measures of Academic Progress for the ClassroomRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
Student learning, for better or worse, stems from teaching strategies we use in the classroom. That’s a bold …
10 Most Effective Teaching Strategies for English TeachersRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
As if there wasn’t enough for students to deal with their junior and senior year – college or career planning, …
Beyond Persuasion: Unlocking the Nuances of the AP Lang Argument EssayRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
Before we look at trauma informed education as it applies to teaching, let’s discuss what contributes to a school’s …
Trauma Informed Education that Doesn’t Inflict Trauma on Educators?Read More
// by Lindsay Ann
Ask students what some of their favorite books are (or even put a book list, nonfiction or fiction, in front of them and …
Book List: Nonfiction Texts to Engage High School StudentsRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
Next time you’re in class, take a look at how many students are typing a text, sending an email, posting on social …
12 Tips for Generating Writing Prompts for Writing Using AIRead More
// by Lindsay Ann
Why do we read informational texts and nonfiction? Why do we write informational texts? These questions are …