If you’re looking for a student-centered first day of school activity or want to begin the year on a positive note with an engaging, interactive classroom community-builder, this is a winner!
8 different station options so that you can choose the ones you like best or that will work best for your students.
- “How do you do?”
- Would You Rather? (Two Stations)
- Word Sort
- Debate
- Storytelling
- Show & Tell
- High & Low
Quick Note: You have the option of keeping students in the same group or mix-up the groups for each station rotation. As they participate in the icebreaker activities, students will take quick notes on their dinner plates about their classmates. Students will use these notes at the end of class to help them write personalized affirmations to the classmates they interacted with during the activity.
Here’s what you’ll receive in this resource:
- Directions and Pacing Slideshow, Google Slides & PowerPoint Versions (one for use with paper plate handouts and one for use with actual paper plates) (6 Slides x Two Versions) so that you’re able to give students clear expectations for this activity and keep pace along the way. Feel free to customize directions and swap out timers for your own classroom use.
- Activity Menus (8 Pages) with directions and prompts ready-to-go!
- “Hand Signals” Affirmation Notes (1 Page) so that students have a purpose for note-taking during the activity and you have a great way to begin building classroom community.
- Personality Sorter Activity (1 Page) so that you have a follow-up activity ready-to-go. Students will take an online personality test and reflect on their strengths, then they will add their name to a class poster (1 Page) so that you have a visual representation of classroom diversity to display all year long.
- Dinner Plate Handouts (2 Pages) so that you don’t have to purchase/use paper plates.
- Product Links & Teacher Notes (4 Pages) so that you have instructions and tips for using this assignment with students at your fingertips.
★ Teachers will need to provide real paper plates if desired, as well as the set-up for the progressive dinner™.
This resource is helpful for:
★ Teachers who want maximum engagement in a student-led classroom.
★ Teachers who are looking to save time with ready-made resources.
★ Teachers who love to innovate and try new things!