Do you need a quick and effective strategy to teach students to select textual evidence and support in writing? This essay writing resource for high school English language arts teaches students to develop their ideas with well-chosen, specific, relevant information and concrete details using the PRAISSS-Worthy acronym: Plentiful, Relevant, Accurate, Interesting, Short, Stylized, and Symbolic.
⇒ Take a closer look with this VIDEO PREVIEW!
Here’s what you’ll receive in this resource:
⇒ PowerPoint (traditional format and Google Slides format) which details each part of the PRAISSS-worthy evidence acronym, providing examples for students to understand what it means and how to apply it to their own evidence selection (22 Slides)
⇒ A link to an unlisted YouTube video (perfect for flipping the classroom, use in a hyperdoc, or a station activity) which provides narration and explanation to go along with the PowerPoint slides (11:47 Length)
⇒ Full screencast transcript (4 Pages) so that you can use for students who need accommodations or who would benefit from reading while listening.
⇒ Google Form with already-embedded screencast and viewing guide questions (2 Pages) so that you can save time and check for student understanding.
⇒ Writer’s reflection options (handout and online form) which enable students to think about their evidence-selection process and apply PRAISSS-worthy to their own writing (1 Page, 1 Google Form)
Benefits of digital interactive resources include:
★ High engagement = happy students and happy teacher
★ Student-friendly 1:1 environment
★ Development of college and career readiness skills
★ Fluid integration of ELA skills
★ Productive use of class time that is maximized for student learning
This resource is helpful for:
★ Teachers new to a digital learning environment.
★ Teachers who are looking to save time with ready-made essay resources.
★ Teachers who love to flip their classroom.
Copyright © 2016-Present, Lindsay Ann Learning
⇒ Permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom.
⇒ Not for public display or digital sharing.
⇒ If you intend to share with others, please purchase an additional license.