Are you looking for an easy, differentiated reading assignment? These fiction reading choice boards will challenge students during literature circles, novel study, or independent reading! Nine digital reading choice board activities will help your middle school and high school students think about plot, characterization, themes, and symbolism in any fiction text.
Reading can be a fun, interactive experience that engages every learner! Build writing, reading, speaking and listening, meta-cognitive, and 21st-century skills! Use as an end-of-reading assessment, as a reading and discussion activity, for early finishers, or to allow for differentiated reading application.
How it works:
Students drag-and-drop red squares to select three activities, creating their own digital choice board. Each square is hyperlinked to directions and, if applicable, a digital graphic organizer.
Choose from Nine Activities:
★Thematic Timeline
★Connections Galore
★Body Biography
★Word Cloud
★Reenactment/SNL Skit
★Kahoot Quiz
★Goodreads Book Review
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Here’s what you’ll receive in this resource:
★Digital Reading Choice Board (1 Slide) so that you have everything ready-to-go and hyperlinked for student access.
★Activity Directions (13 Slides) so that once students select their activities, they have clear expectations for their work.
★One-Point Rubric (1 Slide) so that you can provide quick, skill-based feedback or have students use for self-assessment and reflection.
★One-Point Rubric (Microsoft Word Editable Version) (1 Page) so that you can customize to fit your needs.
★ Teacher Notes (2 Pages) so that you have instructions and tips for using this assignment with students at your fingertips.
★ Digital “Getting Started” Guide (2 Pages) so that you’re able to swiftly make your own copy of this digital product and share it with your students.
★ Digital “FAQ” Guide (2 Pages) provides detailed answers to common digital resource questions!
Benefits of digital interactive resources include:
★ High engagement = happy students and happy teacher
★ Student-friendly 1:1 environment
★ Development of college and career readiness skills
★ Fluid integration of ELA skills
★ Productive use of class time that is maximized for student learning
This resource is helpful for:
★ Teachers new to a digital learning environment.
★ Teachers who are looking to save time with ready-made digital resources.
★ Teachers who love to innovate and try new things!
Copyright © 2017-Present, Lindsay Ann Learning
⇒ Permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom.
⇒ Not for public display or digital sharing.
⇒ If you intend to share with others, please purchase an additional license.